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Two Blogs You Need to Check Out, Even Though They are Closed

Lebanon Road is a wonderful place to be. Our members are so kind, and the support given to each other is remarkable.

A couple of years ago, our congregation went through a series of tragedies that could have broken us. However, with faithful elders and an infinitely faithful God, we did our best to work together through a series of heartaches. While I’m certain that not everything we did was “just right,” I think we can say that we did the best we could.

I will not go into too many specifics, but two who were involved in some of these tragedies decided to blog through their grief and healing. The situations were very different, but they both decided to write about experiences, both good and difficult. While the writing styles are different, both reflect a heart that stayed true to the Lord through tragedy.

In recent days, both of them decided to stop their blogs. Though they are friends, they didn’t decide to do this at the same time; it just worked out that way. However, both of the blogs, though there will likely be no new content, are pages I think you should check out.

The reason is simple: by seeing these words, you see into the mind and heart of someone you know. While you may not know someone who is going through a difficulty like these two were, you know someone who is hurting. Getting even a glimpse into a hurting heart can help you be the support that person needs.

Here are the links, and a very short description of the background:

Five Minus One. This blog was written by a mother who had a stillborn child. That son, though he died at birth, is still very much a part of this family, and she shares that through her blog articles. While she writes from her perspective (of course), you will also see the faith of her husband, and the work they did with their daughter, and (now) their newborn daughter. Her grief was (and is) very real, but you will see a lot of joyful breakthroughs in her writing, as well.

Everyone’s Having Babies, but I’m Getting a Divorce. Written by another young adult lady, this page was penned by a woman whose husband simply walked away from their marriage. Her grief, anger, and confusion are found in her many posts. As with the other blog, though, you also see glimpses of hope and joy. Likely, you know someone who has been through divorce or separation, and this page will help you get some idea of what feelings are present–and continually swirling–as they are devastated by this news.

Each of these two sites never held to a “posting schedule,” per se, but they wrote on a fairly regular basis. With the wonders of the Internet, I hope these sites will be available for a long time to come, but in case they are not, I hope you’ll take a little while to check them out and be touched by what these two ladies shared with the world in the midst of difficulty.

It has been humbling to see their faith, but not just on their respective blogs. As one who has had a very (very) small part in seeing them continue to walk with the Lord through their grief, I am honored to call each of them “friend.”

May their tribe increase.


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