How Does a Christian Protest?
I have a question for you to consider and answer. Feel free to contact me about it if you wish because I am searching for some opinions on this. Please understand I am seeking what is best in God’s eyes and for myself and the future of our world. I’m trying to figure out in 2018 what a Christian is supposed to do when it comes to speaking publicly against what is an abomination in the eyes of God.
I received a call today from someone in our community about something that is happening at our public library. Apparently, a local group of transvestites has been dressing up (mostly men dressing as women although what gender they are could be any mixture of things) and coming to the library and reading books to children. So what I am saying is that innocent children are being put in the laps of crossdressers and transvestites and homosexuals while they are reading children’s books to them.
When our caller objected to this group coming in and doing that, the library attendant was “saddened at his narrow Christian views.” They were apparently disappointed that the man was not more “open-minded.” You see where this has gone? Those of us who oppose the agenda of groups who are forcing their lifestyles on the innocent are now the haters. We are in a difficult time in our society. We are now being the ones who are considered at fault because we are trying to protect our children from the vilest of persuasions.
The caller was trying to figure out what to do. Do we protest this? If so, how do we do it correctly? Let’s face it. Our culture is such that there would be a large group of the community who would vow to never attend a “church that was so hateful” that they would publicly protest against people “who can’t help it…who were born that way.” We live in a culture that has been lied to 1,000 times on this issue and has not been told the truth even once. So now the truth sounds false. It would actually be an act of love and godliness to object to this sinful lifestyle and practice. And yet that statement in and of itself would seem ludicrous to the youngest generation of our people.
So what is the best course of action? I know what to do from the pulpit. Preach the word! (2 Tim. 4:2). It seems to me that God’s holy word is not just for the pulpit, it is for the whole world. The word has been resigned to the pulpit and that’s the problem. It should be preached at the dinner table. But wait, families don’t eat at the dinner table anymore. It should be preached from the public square. But wait, people mostly only go there anymore for their court date. It should be preached from every media source. But wait, Satan has overtaken the media for the most part, and the media can’t be trusted.
Maybe we can make an appointment to read to children in the public library, but wait…
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” – Isaiah 5:20
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AUTHOR: Jeremiah Tatum
Photo background credit: Sean Anderson on Creative Commons