Family,  Marriage,  Parenting

Move Here, and Your Home Will Improve

move here

Can you imagine a city counsel or tourism board being so bold as to make a claim that would say, Move here, and your home will improve?

That would be about as bold as it gets. Who could honestly say that, if you move to this one place, your marriage will get better, as will your relationship with your children? I just can’t see any tourism board getting that bold with their claims, no matter how much they may want you to come!


I know a place that will do that, and today, I want to invite you to move.

Let me describe this place.

There are no beaches nearby, where you can just get away as a family and connect. No serene mountain cabins with calming creeks or waterfalls, either.

There aren’t any amusement parks or stadiums, where you can enjoy some form of entertainment together and laugh about things.

There’s not even a restaurant here, where you can get a night away from home and just enjoy a great meal.

In fact, the place I want you to move doesn’t have cable TV, internet, or even cell phone service. There’s no postal system or even a road, for that matter.

Oh, and there’s no moving company to help you get all your stuff to the new location.

So far, you probably aren’t convinced this is much of a place for your family to go. But I’ve got one more thing you need to know that will be the make-or-break factor in your decision.

It will cost you everything to move to this place.

That’s right! For your move, you’ll have to pay everything you have.

How does it sound now?

Are you still ready to improve your home? Is it worth that to you?

Then, get ready, because you don’t have to actually pack a single bag or put anything in a box. You don’t have to scout real estate or figure out the local school system. You don’t need to check on currency exchange rates or local cuisine.

In fact, you don’t have to leave where you are, but you must move…

…to the cross.

Only when your whole family is gathered under the glory, power, and sacrifice of the cross will you be everything that God has designed you to be. Only then will the husband truly know what it means to love and serve. Only then will the wife truly know what it means to honor and respect. Only then will the children know what it means to willingly obey.

So, starting today, move your family to the cross. I guarantee that, if the whole family moves, your home will improve.


Photo background credit: MovingCompanies on Creative Commons

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