Church Life

10 Lessons Young People Hear Often…And Need to Hear Again

One of the frustrations of working with young people is saying things over and over. (Oddly, working with adults isn’t much different!) Some think that we need to “move on” with young people, but there are certain core messages they need to hear, though they have heard them many times before.

If you work with young people as a parent, a Bible class teacher, or youth worker, or if you just love young people, make sure you constantly teach them these lessons. I am writing these as an address to young people. I hope you enjoy this list and will add your thoughts in the comments.


1. God is in Control. The world around you likes to say that we are in charge, or that “chance” is in control (whatever that means). You need to learn that God truly is in control. He is all-powerful and all-knowing. He is not surprised by anything that is happening, either in the world or in your life. Application: trust Him with every aspect of your life!

2. God Loves You. You live in a superficial world, when it comes to love. The word “love” has been watered down and basically just means, “I know who that person is.” Young person, God truly loves you. He knows you, and wants what is best for you. He has laid out the pattern for your life, and wants you to have an abundant life. Application: be secure in His love!

3. Jesus Must be Lord of Your Life. Many around you will tell you that there are a million ways to God (or to heaven, or enlightenment, or many other things). Jesus, though, stated clearly, “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father but by Me” (John 14:6). Many young people delay coming to Christ, but, if you know He is “the way,” then you are risking eternity by not making Him Lord of your life. Application: obey His will by belief, repentance, confession, and baptism today!

4. God Made You in His Image. You have a soul. You are not just a body. You are not just a collection of atomic structure. You are a soul that will face eternity. You are not some “higher animal.” You were made in very image of God! Forget building “self esteem.” That one fact should build your esteem! Application: live like there is an eternity after this life, instead of just for the moment.

5. You Were Bought with a Price. Young person, Christ died for you. You may think that no one cares for you very much, but that one fact should show you how much you are loved. Christ was willing to go to the cross just for you! However, that also means, as Paul said, “You are not your own…therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Why is it wrong to do certain things like smoke, drink, or have sex outside of marriage? It’s because your body isn’t really yours. It belongs to God. But, He loved you enough to save you, so why wouldn’t you use your body and spirit to bring Him glory! Application: take care of the gift God has given you by staying true to His commands.

6. You Will be Different from the World. I can’t stress this one enough. You just aren’t going to be like the world around you. The world is full of evil and sin, and you are to be filled with righteousness and good works. You don’t have to be an oddball, but you probably will not dress like the world, talk like the world, or be entertained with the same things the world uses for entertainment. Yes, people will make fun of you at times, but many others will also want to know why you act like you do. Will you be ready to tell them? Application: if you are the same as the world around you, you probably aren’t conforming to God’s will.

7. Your Friends are Watching You. Trust me, you have friends who are looking to see if you really “buy in” to this “God stuff.” They want to see if it really makes any difference in your life. Don’t put on a show, but be open and clear that your life is lived for God. You never, ever know who might be touched by your influence. You also never know who might come to you years later and let you know that they were watching. Application: your best “lesson” might be the way you live day-to-day. Live every moment in faith.

8. Be Balanced with Your Time. This may seem strange on this list, but far too many young people are totally stretched to the limit with their time. You have demands of school, teams, clubs, music groups, drama, school government, work, family, and friends. Then you feel guilty because you know you need to read the Bible or pray more. Listen young people, no matter who tells you that you need to do all these things, it is not healthy! You need time with God, and you need time for rest. You can do a lot of things in one day, but you must find balance in your life. Application: if your priorities aren’t reflected in your daily schedule, it’s time for something to go.

9. Mature in Faith before You Worry about Maturing in Other Areas of Life. Far too many adults pressure you to “learn more for college,” “get better at sports,” or “join another club so you’ll be more well-rounded.” Those things are fine, but you also need to learn to mature in faith. If you are going to claim to be a Christian, that should be your primary concern. Jesus, in fact, increased in wisdom (intellect), stature (physical nature), and in favor with men (socially). However, we also see that He increased in favor with God (religious growth; Luke 2:52). If you are not growing and maturing in faith, then you are not doing what God would have you to do! Application: think of how you grow in other areas and apply that to your spiritual maturity.

10. Learn to Express Gratitude and Kindness. This will come as you mature spiritually, but far too many young people who claim to be Christians are rude and never express thanks. You need to stop that trend. A Christian young person is one who expresses thanks to God and who shines out from a world of rudeness and ingratitude toward others. Those “sirs” and “ma’ams” and “pleases” and “thank you’s” are still important. Application: listen to yourself talk and see how often you could do better about kindness and common manners.


There are dozens more I could list, but these are enough to get our young people (and some parents) thinking. What would you add?


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