11 Reasons We’ve been Married 11 Years
Saturday, Leah and I will celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. I love Leah. She is my best earthly friend, and I’m thankful that she puts up with me!
11 years is not long compared to many couples we are around often, but many have no idea how to survive just a few years, much less have a thriving marriage! I want to share 11 reasons we’ve continued (and hopefully improved) our marriage over these 11 years.
1. God is at the center. Many think that, because I’m a preacher, we “have” to have God as our focus and we “have” to attend worship. The truth is we enjoy worship and we are thankful to have God as the center of our marriage. In our dining room, we have a wooden plaque that reads, “Christ is the Head of this house; the unseen guest at every meal.” No marriage can be all it can be if God is not the focus.
2. We guard family time. I’m going to step on some toes here. Many families stay together, but they are not thriving because they are always running around to many activities. Family time needs to be family time. Be together, and be at home as much as possible!
3. We (finally) turned off the TV. It’s been over a year since we shut off our TV, and it is one of the best things we’ve ever done for our family and for our marriage. Instead of mindless time in front of the tube, we actually talk to one another. Instead of meals in front of the TV, we set the dining room table and enjoy meals together.
4. We budget every month. It’s not the most exciting time each month, but it gets us on the same page on a very important topic. It’s amazing how many other important conversations come out of our budget meetings. We are able, by doing this, to plan other times together (trips) and to look forward to our future!
5. We travel together whenever possible. We don’t travel much (see #2), but, when we do, we strive to go together. One reason is that we can experience to places together. Another reason, though, is that any possible temptations are removed! Oh, and when we are apart, we call, text and email often!!!
6. We love our children and other family members. When God blessed us with children, we decided to love them. We also love our in-laws. These decisions are vitally important to the two of us remaining happy with each other.
7. We have devotionals. Each Wednesday night, after the kids are in bed, Leah and I read a book together. Usually, the book is on marriage or parenting, but we use these moments as times of devotion. They help us see areas in which we need to improve, and they help encourage us in areas we do well.
8. We respect our roles in the home. I’m thankful to have a wife who respects my job and who respects that I am the head of the household. I love that Leah enjoys being a home maker, and does not see that as some “subservient” role. She is showing Christ to our children every day, and that means more to us than any paycheck she could ever bring home.
9. We don’t fight. Sure, we’ve had arguments. Yes, there have been times when we were upset with each other. No marriage is going to avoid any negative emotions. However, we don’t fight. Ever. With words or physically. If we get angry, we deal with it and move on. Our marriage is far more important than winning some silly fight.
10. We can still flirt with each other. Yes, we still “make eyes,” make little jokes, and flirt with each other. That is romantic, but it also keeps the “youthful excitement” of dating alive. We may not have the money to go on expensive dates often, but we can still enjoy those little “flirty” things that first showed interest. There are few things that make me happier in life than to see my bride when she smiles.
11. We promised we would! 11 years ago, we said, “I do.” Those words were more than just rote words in a ceremony. They were the sealing of a covenant. Each time I look at my left hand and see that golden band, I am reminded of that promise. As Christians, we do our best to keep our promises. When that promise involves the most important person in the world, you keep it!
I love you, Leah. Here’s to as many years as God allows.
“Grow old along with me; the best is yet to be.”
Scott McCown
Great post. Keep working on that relationship. Amy and I will celebrate 21 years in August.
Adam Faughn
Thanks and congrats, Scott.
(Ironic, isn’t it, that your post today also had 11 items???)
Erin Evans
Thank you for being that kind of example to other men. Satan does what he can to break down the home and every husband and wife should guard their marriage with the seriousness that you two do. I am praying that God will move my family in this way.
Tina Duley
Congratulations on 11 years!! Twenty years ago today, your Dad married Michael and I. We’ve had our ups and downs, but with God as the center, we’ve overcome and will continue to!
Cindy Tatum
Congratulations on 11 years together and the blessing of your 2 beautiful children. Thank you for speaking boldly about the working relationship of marriage.
John Gaines
I first met you and Leah at Daniel & Tiffany’s wedding in 1998. My first impression was that the two of you were ideally suited to be a couple. Obviously, that impression turned out to be right. Happy anniversary!
Jim Faughn
OK, you made me cry with the video. As you know, we’ve lived through this twice with your grandparents (and Mom & I aren’t getting any younger).
Congragulations and thank you for the unbelievable honor of being the best man at your wedding. We love you all very, very much.
Rickey McCreless
Congratulations on 11 years. Leisa and I look forward visiting with you, Leah and the children in a few days. May God continue to bless your family.