2008 Lads to Leaders Participation (Bulletin Article for March 30)
[NOTE: Each year, the 9th Avenue congregation lists all of her L2L participants in the Family Newsletter. They deserve the credit, as they have done so well with their preparation and work.]
Daniel Burleson (3rd Grade) Parade of Winners, Platinum Good Samaritan, Song Leading (2nd), Speech (1st)
Dylan Burleson (8th Grade) Parade of Winners, Platinum Good Samaritan, Winners’ Circle Song Leading (1st) , Winners’ Circle Speech
Marc Casteel (10th grade) GUARD, Song Leading, Speech
Garrett Clark (Preschool) Black & White Photo, Color Photo, Poster, Song Leading
Kevin Dodd (8th Grade) Poster, Bible Bowl, GUARD, Platinum Good Samaritan, Puppets, Song Leading, Speech
Chance Fortenberry (6th Grade) Drawing/Sketching (2nd), Sculpture, Poster (2nd), Bible Bowl, Oral Bible Reading, Gold Good Samaritan, Parade of Winners, Puppets, Song Leading
Heather Fortenberry (College) Collage, Sculpture, Poster (2nd)
Jill Gillum (Kindergarten) Poster, Oral Bible Reading
Dusty Harrison (9th Grade) Color Photo (1st), Poster (1st), Bible Bowl, Bronze Centurion of Scripture, GUARD, Platinum Good Samaritan, Parade of Winners, PEARLS
Ariana Hatton (12th Grade) Collage (2nd), Poster, GIFTS, Article/Editorial (3rd), Parade of Winners, Speech (1st)
Blake Hodges (10th Grade) Color Photo, Poster, Debate, PEARLS (high scorer), Puppets, Song Leading (Finalist)
Dylan Holland (6th Grade) Oral Bible Reading, Bronze Good Samaritan, Puppets, Song Leading
Cheyenne Logan (10th Grade) GIFTS, Silver Good Samaritan, PEARLS, Puppets
Scott McAlpine (1st Grade) Oral Bible Reading, Bronze Know the Books, Song Leading
Wyn McAlpine (3rd Grade) Oral Bible Reading, Gold Know the Books, Song Leading
Jud Mize (12th Grade) Drawing/Sketching, Color Photo, Bible Bowl, GUARD, Puppets, Speech (1st)
Noah Moody (9th Grade) Poster, Bible Bowl, Debate, GUARD, PEARLS (high scorer), Puppets, Song Leading
Orry Moody (College) Collage, Song Leading, Speech
Morgan Page (5th Grade) Collage, Sculpture, Poster (1st), Bible Bowl, Oral Bible Reading, Silver Good Samaritan, Puppets, Songs of Praise
Maddie Palmer (Kindergarten) Drawing/Sketching, Color Photo, Poster, Oral Bible Reading
Riley Raper (8th Grade) GUARD
Olivia Tank (6th Grade) Black & White Photo, Oral Bible Reading, Puppets, Songs of Praise
Bradley Tedford (10th Grade) Bible Bowl, Silver Good Samaritan, PEARLS, Puppets, Song Leading (Finalist)
Alli Temple (Kindergarten) Drawing/Sketching, Painting, Oral Bible Reading
Justin Terry (11th Grade) Drawing/Sketching, Black & White Photo, Bible Bowl, Bronze Good Samaritan, PEARLS (high scorer), Puppets, Song Leading (1st)
Krista Terry (9th Grade) Black & White Photo, Color Photo, Poster, Bible Bowl, GIFTS, Bronze Good Samaritan, Parade of Winners, PEARLS, Puppets, Songs of Praise (2nd), Speech
Rylan Terry (College) Black & White Photo, Color Photo (3rd)
Cade Tidwell (3rd Grade) Painting, Black & White Photo, Color Photo, Oral Bible Reading, Song Leading, Speech
Elizabeth Tyson (9th Grade) Painting (1st), Collage (1st), Black & White Photo, Bible Bowl, Gold Know the Books, GIFTS, PEARLS (high scorer), Puppets
Leah Tyson (6th Grade) Painting (1st), Collage (3rd), Color Photo, Bible Bowl, Gold Know the Books, Gold Good Samaritan, PEARLS (high scorer), Puppets
Seth Vickery (6th Grade) Collage, Color Photo, Poster (3rd), Oral Bible Reading, Puppets, Song Leading, Speech
Kayleigh White (2nd Grade) Black & White Photo, Oral Bible Reading, Bronze Centurion of Scripture
Our 8th Grade Puppet Team finished 3rd.
Our 12th Grade Puppet Team finished 1st.
Our 10th grade Bible Bowl team was a finalist team.
Congratulations on your winners!
I think it is wonderful when teens get involved in Church work.
Praise God.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
God bless you this weekend!
In Him,
Kinney Mabry