Legacy of Faith Podcast

Episode 3 : Smartphones and Kids (guest: Chad Landman) {Podcast}

Welcome to the 3rd episode of A Legacy of Faith, the podcast. In this episode, Chad Landman joins Adam to talk about how parents can help their children navigate the world of the smartphone.



Topics Discussed

1. How widespread are smartphones among teens and kids?

2. What does it mean that, when we give a kid a smartphone, we put the “world in his/her hand?”

3. How can parents keep track of a child’s usage of various parts of the smartphone (calls, texts, apps, etc.)?

4. Is there really “privacy” in private apps?

Links and Resources

Chad Landman’s website

Follow Chad on Twitter

Ministry Bits podcast

Active Digital Parenting


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Archives of the podcast, and more information, can be found here.


Music credit:

Opening theme: “Josie Has the Upper Hand” by Josh Woodward

Closing theme: “Afterglow” by Josh Woodward

NEXT EPISODE (September 4, 2014): “5 Common Homeschool Myths”


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.