
3 Very Random Things for You

Sometimes, I have several ideas I’d like to share for a blog post, but none are fully fleshed out. Sometimes, there is something that pops up before I publish a post (I usually have them in at least rough idea form a couple of weeks early) that I feel just needs to be shared.

Well, today’s post is a combination of those things. Instead of one longer post, I’ve got three shorter things to pass along on very random items, but each will, I hope, be something you are encouraged by.

1 – My Valentine. Today is Valentine’s Day and, once again, every other guy on earth is fighting for second place because I asked Leah to be my valentine and she said “yes.” She is the best person I know and it’s a joy to have her as my wife. I love you, beautiful.

2 – The YouTube channel is growing. In recent days, we have released more Bible study videos and Leah has also released another recipe (and we’ve got another one coming in a few days). We have also started releasing short videos of Bible songs for children! We are working on “upping” the quality of our videos, but we are grateful to be able to share all these things with you. Would you take just a minute to look around and would you consider subscribing? Check it out here. (Oh, and we may have more news coming about this channel very soon!)

3 – Thank you to Steve Higginbotham. Steve is a faithful Gospel preacher who is not afraid to humbly speak to cultural issues. On Facebook, he recently wrote the following about the Super Bowl halftime show, but the same concepts could be applied to all of our entertainment choices:

Christians, we simply have to do better with our entertainment choices.

So, there you go. Three random items. Hope they all help you in some way!

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.