Church Life

4 Groups Who Do Not Like Responses in Church

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“As we stand and sing.”

Those words are often used as the final line of sermons all throughout the world. Traditionally, congregations stand together and sing what is commonly referred to as an “invitation song,” with words to encourage someone to respond to the message of Christ. Many times, no one publically responds.

But sometimes, someone does. It is wonderful! When there is a baptism, or when someone states they need prayers of forgiveness of encouragement, it is a remarkable moment. It is a time of celebration and joy. It is a time for an outpouring of love.

However, there are some who cannot stand that people are, as one of my elders likes to put it, “walking the aisles.” Some even hate that people are publically willing to make their stand with Christ.

Who are they? Here are four groups.

  1. The devil and his angels. This is the most obvious. Satan hates faith in God. He cannot stand it when someone walks away from a life of sin and selfishness and humbly obeys the will of the Lord. Trust me, when someone responds, he cannot stand it, but he also is not giving up the fight for that person’s soul. He is biding his time, but each time someone steps to the front of an assembly in this way, he hates it.
  2. The denominational world. “Why can’t we all just do what we want?” In so many words, that is the mantra of denominationalism. We get to do what we want and God will just have to accept it. However, when someone responds to the pure message of the Gospel, the denominational world does not like it. Why? Because it is further proof that the Bible, and the Bible only, can and must be obeyed with no additions or personal preferences.
  3. The world around us. So many people in the world don’t really mind that people “go to church,” but they do mind when we are growing, faithful, and committed. Why? Because our faith, as did Noah’s, “condemn[s] the world” (Hebrews 11:7). When someone publically responds, he or she is saying that they are going to follow Jesus only, who is “the way” (John 14:6). Our world does not like the concept of there only being one way.
  4. Some in the pews. What? Does that shock you? It is, tragically, true. There are some who sit in the pews of the auditorium each week who are not happy when someone responds. For some, it throws their schedule off. For others, they just think that it is nothing more than insincerity or emotionalism. For others, they know they need to respond as well, and this just grows bitterness in their heart. And for some, they are only in the building because of culture or family, so any little thing out of the ordinary throws them for a loop.

No matter how many times I get to be present when someone responds, it just never gets old. It is a time of joy, but not for everyone.

But for the faithful, there is no greater moment, and I pray every week that, whether I am preaching or not, I get to see this wonderful moment again and again…

…no matter who doesn’t like it.


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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

Photo background credit: Ryan Hyde on Creative Commons


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