5 Things I Struggle With
The Christian life is wonderful, but Christians still struggle and hurt. We live in a world that is fraught with danger and peril, and we want to rise above. There are also so many other good things we would like to do, but something slows us down, distracts us, or causes us to stop.

For me, there are at least 5 things I struggle with, and I want to share them with you. This post “pulls back the curtain” a bit into my heart, and I hope it touches yours.
Here are some of the struggles I have, and I hope you will give me some tips to overcome, and some of your struggles, in the comments.
1. The Struggle of Priorities. I try my best to live my life with priorities in order, seeking first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33) and spending much time with family. There are other things, though, that happen that are not as important, but that must be done. It’s a struggle to live to the priorities we know.
2. The Struggle of Time. God only gave me 24 hours each day, but there is always something else to do. Being efficient and intentional helps, but it never stops that nagging feeling of what could be done with more time.
3. The Struggle of Technology. I love technology, but it is always there! That helps get some things done, but it also distracts at times. Often, getting past those distractions takes more time than the distraction itself.
4. The Struggle of Heart. What I mean by this is that there are so many things that are truly important to my “heart.” The people I love. The dreams I have. Goals that seem out of reach. Wanting to spend more money and time with and on those things weighs on my heart when I can’t do it.
5. The Struggle of Sin. Yes, this is the biggest struggle of all. I know how weak I truly am, and it causes so much pain. By the grace of God, am I not what I used to be, but I still struggle to be all He wants me to be.
What tips do you have in overcoming these common struggles? What struggles do you have?

Adam, great post! I struggle with many of the same things. I feel that I have so muc on my plate that sometimes I go with the path of least resistance. I can’t not work or do school assignments, but no one is going to punish me if I don’t go to Bible study or read my Bible. I struggle with contentment. I always want more even when less would do. Thank you for sharing.
Adam Faughn
Amanda…as you can tell, I totally understand! Thanks for reading and being bold enough to comment.
I identify well with #s 2 & 5 and would add one that falls somewhere within all of these but I’m not sure how to categorize it. The easiest “label” would be laziness. Knowing there are things to be done (time with children, housework, church work, painting, organizing, whatever) but choosing to be lazy, or selfish, or apathetic. That’s my struggle.
Adam Faughn
If I’m honest, selfishness probably leads to my struggles more than anything else.
Thanks for sharing, sis!