Last Friday, I mentioned that I had been working on a list of 100 things that I wanted to do in this life. Well, I didn’t quite get to 100. The reason was simple: I really thought about (1) what was important to me, (2) what were big dreams, but (3) were actually possible.
So, I settled on 50 things that I want to share with you. Some are very serious. Some are quite personal. Some, admittedly, are a bit silly. But I hope you take this list at face value. The point of this list is really to just live life to the fullest. There are a few of these that I have done in part, but want to make sure I finish, so I included.
Also keep in mind that this list is not necessarily in any particular order. The first 4 are the most important to me, then the rest are in no real order. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

1. Live 1 Corinthians 15:58 and Revelation 2:10.
2. Treat Leah like a queen on a constant basis.
3. Be Mary Carol’s strong father.
4.. Give Turner a godly example of manhood.
5. Have at least 2 additional books published.
6. Collect pictures of every church building, camp, and school I have preached or led singing at.
7. Read at least 50 books per year for the rest of my life.
8. Read the Bible through each year for the rest of my life.
9. Memorize the entire New Testament
10. Write at least one note/email of encouragement every week for the rest of my life.
11. Pay off mortgage before the kids start college
12. Remain debt free
13. See at least one sporting event in person in: NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, college football, college basketball, ATP, and PGA
14. Watch a game at Yankee Stadium
15. Watch a game at Cameron Indoor Stadium
16. Write at least 5,000 blog posts (this one is #1468)
17. Learn to play the harmonica well enough to play for people in small, informal settings
18. Learn to explain Greek and Hebrew terms better in sermons so members can truly fall in love with the text of the Bible.
19. Visit at least 50 minor league ball parks
20. Run a small side business from a hobby
21. Have an article published on a sports blog/website
22. Take Leah to Washington, DC
23. Be actively involved in teaching the Bible to my kids
24. Cohost iPreach through at least 300 episodes.
25. Grow our garden with our family to where it saves us a significant amount of money each year.
26. Build our emergency fund to one year’s expenses.
27. Help Mary Carol and Turner memorize at least 100 verses of Scripture each year in school.
28. Own real estate besides our personal residence (with cash).
29. Collect items of unique sports mascots.
30. Along with Leah, learn how to use coupons even more effectively while still eating healthy.
31. Host a congregation-wide event at our house each year.
32. Learn to do more household repairs/fixes myself.
33. Be more committed to praying for open doors of personal evangelism.
34. Walk through those doors as God opens them.
35. When asked to preach at funerals, make each one as personal and comforting for the family as possible.
36. Do my best to stay involved with the young people and children at church.
37. Find a hobby Turner and I can do together.
38. Be consistent in taking Mary Carol on “dates.”
39. Be an encourager to my fellow preachers.
40. Read at least one biography or autobiography of every US President.
41. Take Leah to at least one play/musical each year.
42. Make a regular, conscious effort to stay organized in my work. (Which will help me be more flexible.)
43. Never settle for “good enough” as it pertains to the work of the Church!
44. Make a large, anonymous donation to a struggling congregation or Christian organization.
45. Spend time learning from older preachers in person.
46. Build a collection of song books
47. Build a collection of “Top 100” (or 500, etc.) books on all sorts of topics
48. Always speak with joy about the Church of my Lord.
49. Never retire from Christianity
50. Leave an updated “legacy” drawer for Leah and the kids to help with I leave this life.
So…..what do you think?
Tim Cantrell
I really enjoyed reading this Adam. A lot of those items I feel just as passionate about. Keep up the great work. I’m proud of you, but more importantly…God is proud of you.