
65 Years Later

Today in Hawai’i, about 500 survivors of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor will meet. The number of survivors continues to dwindle and many think this will be the last time there is a great meeting like this on a 5-year anniversary cycle. All the survivors are in their 80s or 90s.

Please do two things.

1. Be thankful. These soldiers are heros of our nation. And deservedly so. Pearl Harbor was one of the most awful events in our nation’s history, but it had a great effect. Thousands “signed up” for the opportunity to go fight for our nation in Europe and the Pacific. I am proud that both of my grandfathers served in World War II. John Turner, Sr. served in Europe before coming back to America severely injured. Delmar Faughn served as a trainer of soldiers. While he never actually went to Europe or the Pacific, hundreds of men owe their training (and probably their lives) to him for his help in preparing them.

2. Read the article that Yahoo! published about the reunion today. It contains great writing, but, more importantly, a great amount of “human-ness.” You may read it by clicking here.

Let’s not forget those who continue to fight for us all over the world today. But let’s also never forget those who have fought in the past.


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