“8 Days with the Preacher” : Day 4, Wednesday February 22
As I arose at 6:00, I could tell the skies were a bit darker than normal. I headed out for my walk (listening to the ESPN Baseball Today podcast), and knew right away that I would not finish 30 minutes…..and I didn’t. After about 20 minutes, lightning was getting close, so I went home and took my shower. For the next half-hour, we got an early morning thunderstorm. I got ready and (you guessed it) played Angry Birds with Turner.
After that, I unloaded the dishwasher and Leah and I made breakfast. After eating with the family, I finished getting ready and headed to the office. On the way, I listened to the FamilyLife Today podcast and part of the Dave Ramsey Show podcast.
This was an office day!
Upon arrival, I edited our bulletin and made sure it was ready to print. Then our secretary started that, and I went to my office. From 9:00 until 11:00, I studied for my Wednesday night class on Revelation and listened to a bit of MinistryGeek this week. At 11:00 I stopped and read my Bible and prayed, then I spent some time in general reading/study.
At noon, I ate some lunch while listening to the CBS College Basketball podcast, then headed back to my office for a full-on office afternoon. Once each month, we have a “time saver supper” that starts at 5:30, so I work all the way through to that time. If possible, I try to do all my work in the office to get caught up on emails, reading, blog work (especially design-type stuff and tech issues), and other administrative tasks. This afternoon was mostly about the blog, but I did spend some time doing some additional study for my class tonight on Revelation.
As I worked on the blog, though, I listened to the Page 2 podcast, The Briefing with Albert Mohler, Branches (with Drew Kizer), and another FamilyLife Today. I also did some reading, including finishing Flavil Yeakley Jr.’s new book, Why They Left. I have learned a lot from this eye-opening study.

At the time-saver supper, we enjoyed a meal, and one of our young men helped me work on this blog some. (More about that at another time). Also, he and his fiancee honored me by asking if I would perform their wedding ceremony in 2013.
At 7:00, we began our midweek Bible study, and I continued teaching on Revelation. We have been in this study for almost a year, but I have greatly enjoyed teaching this book.
Following the study, Leah went to a surprise party for one of our adult ladies, and I brought the kids home. They are in bed, and I am going to finish out the night with some blog work and some reading.

Steve Miller
Enjoying the series. Appreciate your work.
Steve Miller