
A Better Life

Last night, while visiting with the Sanders family in Doniphan, I saw my first episode of American Idol (I know, I’m a dork for not watching it before).

One of the contestants said that he was going through the Idol process because he has two small children at home. He said that this was going to give his children a better life.

I don’t know anything about this contestant, but the Sanders told me that he was just out of the Army and didn’t have a job yet. He is hoping to get a recording contract through American Idol for his job.

Question: how would that make the life of his children better? Could he not give them a good life by being a teacher, a garbage man or a fast food worker? Kids don’t care how much money daddy has or how famous mommy is; they just know if mommy and daddy are there.

While not every celebrity family is like this, just think of what most are like. A vast majority are broken homes, and in so many more a nanny helps raise the children because mommy (or daddy) is not there.

Parents, we need to redefine a “good life” for children. It’s not about a big house or nice cars. It’s not about going to an Ivy League school. It’s not even about daddy or mommy being famous. It’s about being a family. It’s about being a faithful Christian family. It’s about being there for your children.

When this contestant is out on a tour and his daughter gets her heart broken, will daddy be there to hug her?


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