
A Christian Mother (bulletin article for May 13)

[NOTE: Sunday is Mother’s Day, so the following was written with that in mind. If you don’t want a “pre-Mother’s Day” present, wait until Sunday to read it!]

A highlight of my year is the few minutes I spend on the phone on Mother’s Day with two special ladies in Paducah, Kentucky (my mother and grandmother). Mother’s Day is also special in our house now with Leah being a mother, two times over!
But what truly makes today special is that I know that all three of these wonderful women are Christian mothers. I never had to wonder if mom was going to worship. She was going, and was probably teaching a Bible class. I never have to fear that my children will wonder if mom is going to Bible class. She will be there if at all possible.

But a Christian mother is far more than just attendance in worship and Bible classes. Being a Christian mother is a lifestyle. Of course, being a Christian is a lifestyle, but when you add the word “mother” to that title, it becomes one of the hardest, but most rewarding lives in the world.

Joseph and Mary found Jesus in the temple at a young age after searching for him for three days. He was in the place of worship with the religious leaders of His day, “both listening to them, and asking them questions” (Luke 2:46). His parents were worried, but listened to His divine reasoning: “Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (verse 49).

Nothing is said about Joseph’s reaction, but Mary “kept [treasured, NASB] all these things in her heart” (verse 51).

That’s a mother’s reward! Fathers remember many things, but mothers treasure them in their hearts. God has blessed mothers with a special way of quiet remembrance that brings joy to her heart daily.

When the mother is a Christian mother, though, those joys are multiplied! What better “things” to “treasure” than memories of trips to worship, Gospel meetings, Vacation Bible Schools and other activities. What better things to hear than a child’s saying, “Bible,” “God” or “Jesus” for the first time. A Christian mother treasures these things.

Mom, are you a Christian mother? I’m thankful every day that my mom is. I’m also thankful every day that Mary Carol and Turner have a mother who is.

Happy Mother’s Day!
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