
A Few Items

We’ll be away for a couple of days for Thanksgiving, so I thought I’d just share some short items that have been building over the past few days that might be of some interest to you.

First, the United Nations recently announced that AIDS is spreading again. In fact, some 39.5million people have the dreaded disease. The numbers are increasing in some countries which had seen some major improvement, including the United States. They estimate that someone in the world is infected with HIV every eight seconds. To read the Houston Chronicle’s article, which contains a link to the UN fact sheets, click here.

Scarlett Johansson, an actress famous for her role in Lost in Translation, recently criticized President George Bush for his conservative views on sex. Following is a short article published by ContactMusic.com (all caps were in the original):

SCARLETT JOHANSSON has slammed US PRESIDENT GEORGE W BUSH for his staunch conservative views on sex, criticising the Republican for being too unrealistic in his opinions on the topic. The LOST IN TRANSLATION movie star last month (10OCT06) boasted about being so “socially aware” she gets tested for HIV twice
a year. A staunch Christian, Bush is vehemently anti-abortion and is seeking to have the operation made illegal in all US states. During his time as Governor of Texas, Bush overhauled the state’s sex education system and high school students were taught abstinence was the only way to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Johansson says, “We are supposed to be liberated in
America but if our President had his way, we wouldn’t be educated about sex at all. “Every woman would have six children and we wouldn’t be able to have abortions.”

Just what we need: another Sharon Stone.

I know you are getting this from all angles, but please take a few moments tomorrow to turn off the TV and thank God for all He has done. We should do it every day, but especially on a day that is set aside for that purpose. While there are a lot of things to be done, we should never get so busy that we fail to thank the Father in Heaven.

Have a great Thanksgiving holiday.


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