Bible study,  Church Life

A Hidden Message?

I have had the privilege to be co-coaching our junior high girls at church for Bible Bowl this summer. We have been studying the book of Joshua and recently finished going through the book so we began reviewing. That’s when I noticed something that struck me differently and I wondered if there could be a “hidden message” for us today in some instructions given to the Israelites all those years ago.

[Side note and this part is for free: I tell the girls often that these “hidden” gems are part of why I know the Bible is from God. A person can read parts of it for the very first time and understand the message of God’s love for us and yet a person can study, and study, and study for a lifetime and still find things to learn!]

Look at Joshua 3:5: “Then Joshua said to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.’” Do you see what caught my attention? The people were told to prepare for tomorrow because the Lord would do wonders among them.

Now, I know that God is not going to perform signs such as those on a Sunday, but on Sundays, we are in His presence all together, and I have seen some pretty wonderful things happen when we gather in His presence to worship Him. I have seen hearts broken, relationships restored, and souls washed clean in Jesus’s blood. And this made me wonder … are we preparing ourselves on Saturdays for what God might do “tomorrow”?

I’m not saying it is wrong to do things on Saturday or even to stay up late that night of the week. But, at least for myself, I am taking pause to consider if I am preparing myself to be in God’s presence each Lord’s day. I know on weeks when I prepare beforehand what I will wear the next day and make sure I can find my shoes (sometimes recovering them from being borrowed by my daughter) and have a plan for the morning, I am more peaceful when I head to gather with my church family. On the other hand, if I oversleep, am rushing to find something clean and ironed, and searching for those shoes, my mind isn’t as settled.

Just a thought from a friend for today. But in the Old Testament, it was a command. 

“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’” Psalm 122:1

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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