
A Lot of Teaching (Bulletin Article for January 28)

Some don’t see the importance of singing, and that is seen when they do not sing. We are commanded to sing in order to praise God, but we are also told that we sing in order to teach others (see Colossians 3:16).

Pearl McQuiddy has put together the following, and it should help us remember just how much we can teach as we sing together. [NOTE: This came to me via the bulletin of the Dalraida church of Christ in Montgomery, Alabama.]

Because This Is My Father’s World, I will Praise Him, for all He has done for me. Love Lifted Me from the depths of sin there At the Cross. Because of this, I can go Anywhere with Jesus, for I know He will be there. As I go, Each Day I’ll Do a Golden Deed, because I’m In the Gloryland Way! Life is so much Sweeter as the Years Go By for I know that in the Paradise Valley, There’s a Land That is Fairer Than Day; a place where The Soul Never Dies; moreover, I know that This World is Not My Home, so when I Kneel at the Cross in prayer, I can truly say, my God, How Great Thou Art!

When I think of His Amazing Grace, and what it has done for me, I know that Our God, He Is Alive! For all these reasons, someday My God and I will live together with all those who have gone on before me in the beautiful Ivory Palaces that God has prepared for me. Yes, it was On a Hill Far Away that our blessed Lord, the Rock of Ages, gave His life that I might have Victory in Jesus. Because of these Precious Memories of his life and His death on the cross, I’m Living by Faith and I will always give Glory to His Name as I sing that wonderful old song, Whispering Hope.

What a song of praise will be outpoured When He Comes in Glory By and By. Yes, some day I’ll Fly Away to my home on high; Just Beyond the Rolling River of death I Will Meet You at the River of life with the redeemed of all ages. But while here on earth, I Will Sing of My Redeemer until I reach the land where In Heaven They’re Singing a wonderful song, a theme that shall Never Grow Old. Because of His loving grace, I now can sing It Is Well with My Soul; and I can also sing, All Will be WellJust Over in the Gloryland. So, Meet Me There.

Friends, because Swiftly We’re Turning life’s daily pages, Prepare to Meet Thy God, Trust and Obey, Sing and Be Happy, Pray All the Time, Sing to Me of Heaven, and Ring Out the Message. Proclaim O What a Savior! Ponder two important questions: Do You Know My Jesus? and What Will You Do with Jesus?

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