A Mental Picture I Won't Soon Forget
Last week Leah and I enjoyed the FHU Bible Lectures. It was a time of great learning and enjoyment. I was able to see many old friends (although I never ran into my good friend Wes) and also was able to make a few new friends.
I was also able to spend time with some of my family. We are blessed to have so many in our family who are faithful Christians, and, with so many preachers, most of us can get together for at least part of the week.
On Wednesday night, we were enjoying the evening lecture when Turner started to get fussy. I don’t blame him; weeks like that are very hard on little children. I tried to calm him, but he was starting to distract others, so I took him to the back.
After a couple of minutes, I emerged from a door in the balcony of the auditorium. I knew I could stand up there in a little hallway and still hear the lesson (since I had done it earlier in the week with Turner!). He settled down a bit, and I knew the lecture was almost over, so I walked nearer to the front of the balcony.
My eyes were immediately drawn to a beautiful picture. There, in one small area, sat my wife, my daughter, my dad, my mom, my sister, her husband, their 3 children, my brother-in-law and his wife. Several had open Bibles. All were listening or helping one of the children remain calm.
I actually had to pause for a moment to keep from crying. While it would have been nice to have the rest of the family there, it still was moving. Many don’t know what it’s like to have family members who care about the Bible. Others don’t know what it’s like to share a common faith.
Often we “celebrate” our family on this blog. Now you can “see” why.
I am one who does not have very many family members who care about the Bible. But I am very happy for you. Your situation shows that such things are truly a possibility and in that there is hope! Kathy
Thank you.