Church Life,  Family

A New Chapter for A Legacy of Faith

I don’t know when these words will appear on the website. I’m not even sure they will appear. I’m not the one responsible for starting the website, nor am the one who schedules when various posts appear. As many of you know, the man behind A Legacy of Faith is our son, Adam Faughn. 

He will be the one to decide when (or if) you ever read these words. All I know is that they are being written on July 1, 2018. In fact, they are being written fairly early in the morning. I had a little trouble sleeping, so I thought I’d try to share some of my thoughts on this day.

This day may not mean a lot to very many people, but it means a lot to Adam’s mother and me. We believe that it will mean a lot to the people with whom Adam “officially” begins his work this morning. In a little while, he will preach his first sermon as the full-time “pulpit minister” for the Central church of Christ in Paducah, Kentucky. (The reason I used the word “officially” earlier is because, even though Adam is not “on the clock” – or payroll – until today, he has already been doing some visiting, etc. in the midst of trying to get moved and settled in.)

As the title of this post suggests, today marks the beginning of a new chapter for A Legacy of Faith. It is the day when our son becomes our preacher. It is the day when he begins to stand behind (and walk around) the pulpit I was honored to stand behind (and walk around) for sixteen years.    

Robert Guinn shared the pulpit with me for a few years and then was (as a friend of mine once jokingly called himself) the “prime minister” for over a year after I “retired” at the end of 2016. His decision earlier this year to move to another location started a chain of events that have led to this day. 

I began preaching full-time when Adam was nine months old. From that time until he became an adult, got married, and started preaching, I was his preacher. It would be nice if the Lord allowed me to live long enough and for Adam’s time at Central to be long enough for him to be my preacher for as long as I was his.   

Only the Lord knows what the future will hold, but I would ask that you join me in praying that this next chapter for A Legacy of Faith will be the best one yet. More importantly, I would ask that you pray that, in all things, God will be glorified.

It occurs to me as I write these words that I am leaving a legacy whether or not I ever write something for a blog. I am leaving a legacy for good or bad by how I live my life daily. 

As a matter of fact, each of us is determining what our legacy will be each and every day. Maybe the fact that a new chapter is opening today in my life in this thing called A Legacy of Faith will challenge all of us to examine what kind of legacy we are leaving behind.

Hopefully, it is …

A Legacy of Faith.

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.