A Perfect Winter (Bulletin Article for March 9)
We had many who were absent from Bible classes and worship in the Winter quarter (December-February). Many missed due to holiday trips, but we trust they attended worship and Bible classes in the town where they were visiting. Others missed due to illness, which has been running rampant, or because of surgery. We know they would like to be in Bible class, but their health would not allow it.
It is sad to mention, but we know there were others who made the decision to willfully miss their Bible class. Friend, when you do that, your class misses you! More than that, though, you miss so much. You miss Bible instruction, encouragement from classmates, and a chance to find others with common interests and problems. Make every effort to attend your class.
We had many who attended each Bible class session in the quarter. They were: Judy Kilpatrick, Leisa McCreless, Scott McAlpine, Lisa Childs, Lushell Cole, Daniel Burleson, Wyn McAlpine, Seth Vickery, Roger Moody, Danny Tedford, Tanner Goddard, Kevin Dodd, Noah Moody, Chandler Overton, Tim Overton, Kay Tedford, Tonya Goddard, Donna Dodd, Brenda Cook, Leon Dodd, Rickey McCreless, Sandra Burleson, Vicky Dean, Barbara Slatton, Gail Coan, Margaret Dobbs, Betty Hughes, Mona Whitt, Hester Bowley, Susie Dodd, Tommie Keenum, James McCreless, Jewell McCreless, Doris Wiley, Ara Lou Burleson, Buster Burleson, Lois Burleson, Hayden Childs, Harold Coan, Neal Cook, Robert Dykes, Velva Dykes, Vivian Federick, James Gaskin, Sharon Gaskin,Cheyenne Logan, Mike Logan, Jud Mize, Jimmy Raper, Don Smith, Judy Smith, Jashell Cole and Garrett Clark.
Fifty-three members of the 9th Avenue family were present every Sunday for Bible class. That is a great number, especially for a Winter quarter. (A special “thank you” to Bobbie Hatton for compiling this list for me.)
We have noticed this before, but, as you look at the list, notice how many families are there. Our families gain so much by being in Bible class. Sunday dinner conversations can be great times to recall things studied in class, and the family grows closer together through these times.
Make time for your class. Be there every time you possibly can. You’ll be glad you did!
See you Sunday…at 9:30.