Church Life,  Worship

A Picture That Made Me Ashamed

I doubt I’m in the minority of preachers when I say that I don’t really enjoy preaching on attendance. It would seem to be just about the most basic concept of the faith; after all, it’s just showing up. However, it seems that it was an issue even in the First Century. After all, the “attendance verse” that everyone seems to know–Hebrews 10:25–even says that, back then, “forsaking” was “the habit of some.”

Still, even though I mention it in sermons at times, I don’t enjoy feeling like I have to do so. It would seem that just being present should be a given for those who claim to love the Lord above all else.

Enter the picture that is above this post.

I had a basic concept for this article quite a long time ago, but I just could not think of a good “hook” to base it on. Then, just a few days ago, my friend and brother in Christ Mark Posey posted that picture on Facebook. If you did not know the background, it could look like just any other group having a meeting; maybe even some type of civic organization or PTA.

But, as you might guess, it’s a church. It is a church meeting, not in the United States and not on a Sunday.

It is a congregation meeting on Wednesday evening for midweek Bible study…

…in Ukraine.

Mark even mentioned that, as the congregation met, they could literally hear explosions in the background. Still, not only did they meet, they had the largest midweek attendance that they could ever remember.

You read that correctly: more met for Bible study as a war was going on than had ever met before.

And, when I read that, I felt ashamed at some of the “reasons” (read: excuses) I see people post on the same website–Facebook–for why they weren’t present for worship or Bible study.

Too often, I will see Christians post pictures of themselves at concerts, ballgames, movies, or just resting on the front porch and the pictures are during worship time. At other times, I’ll see pictures from “big” Saturday night events–maybe a trip to a ballgame or a school activity–and not see those same people in worship on Sunday. Why? “We got home late and were just tired.”

Again, I don’t like talking about attendance, but when you see Christians gathering for midweek Bible study in the middle of bombs going off, does it not cause you to feel just a bit ashamed when our people will miss for their own pleasure and amusement?

This article is being released on Wednesday. If your congregation has midweek Bible study, where will you be?

And, for sure, on Sunday, what excuse will you have to not attend?

Let’s not forget what an honor it is to come before the Lord in worship just because it’s easy for us.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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