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A Presidential Funeral, John Lennon, and Acts 17

Whenever a United States President dies, it is international news. The funeral services are also an occasion to remember the leader and to show a certain level of unity that is rarely seen in our culture. Such was on display recently when former President Jimmy Carter died at the age of 100.

However, at the memorial service in Washington, DC, there was a combination that seemed more at home in ancient Athens.

Per the request of Carter (I have read that this request was made a number of years ago), the song “Imagine” by John Lennon was not only played, it was performed live by a couple of music artists.

To me, it only showed the perfect storm of what it means to live in a secular and irrational time. Keep in mind that the very first line of Lennon’s song is “Imagine there’s no heaven; it’s easy if you try.” Now, keep in mind where this memorial service was being held: in a house of worship.

Lennon’s song also asks the listener to imagine no hell, no countries, no religion. And this was performed at a funeral…inside a building that is chartered by the congress of a nation and is set apart for worship. Yet that’s what was played?

It reminds me of when Paul went to Athens in Acts 17. You might recall that he talked about the tremendous number of idols he saw while traveling through the city. The one “to the unknown God” is what he used as the basis for his remarks to all who would listen on Mars Hill.

The difference in Paul and what happened at the funeral, though, could hardly be any more stark. Paul did not affirm any of the false beliefs of the Athenians. He did complement them for being religious, but he turned even that into a discussion about one God Who is over everything. And considering temples were all around, it had to be jarring to hear this man talk about the God Who does not even dwell in a temple.

In other words, there is only one God. He is over everything. And we don’t get to make the rules. He does.

Contrast that with playing a song at a funeral about there being no heaven, hell, or religion. That song encapsulates the irrationality of liberalism. It is completely illogical to sing about no religion in a building designed for worship. It is tragic and heartbreaking to hear about no heaven (or hell) at a religious funeral.

But liberalism says you can somehow believe both. It says there are countless gods and, even if they clash, you can still believe. What it really boils down to is this: you get to believe in you. You set the rules. So, even if things stand in contrast or are illogical, it doesn’t matter. You are the master so you build your own “unknown god.” (Except that god is known. It’s you.)

The only logical and rational view of the world is to follow the one true God. Taken to its conclusion, that is the only way to believe, speak, and live a consistent and whole life. It does mean you don’t get to make the rules, but it also means the rules make sense.

Imagine that.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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