
A Sad Day in Wisconsin

Sports are a lot of fun. I enjoy watching all kinds of sports, and I play…sometimes. As a youth minister, though, one of my frustrations has been how often young people–and so often, parents–put sports before the Lord. The young people so very often have learned this habit from adults.

We know this is true, and then, we read about what is going on in Madison, Wisconsin, on Sunday afternoon.

I know a member of the Packers offensive line, and I hope for him that the Green Bay football team does well on Sunday. However, it is difficult to think about the fact that so many fans will put the team before the Lord, since the NFC Championship Game is on Sunday, mid-evening.

And, if you haven’t heard, one congregation in Madison is making it easier for Packers fans to worship, then watch the game.

From the WMTV (NBC affiliate) website:

The Madison Church of Christ is moving its Sunday Church service up an hour to 4pm this coming Sunday. The church says an earlier service will allow them to have a great worship and which also allows the congregation to pray and then root for the Packers. And, fittingly, everyone is being encouraged to wear Packer-wear in support of the home team.

I just wonder if they would ever move a football game because people are wanting to worship?

Oh, and if you think this isn’t embarrassing for the Church, Paul Harvey also reported it on his noon news today.

Click here for the entire story.
