A Seasonal Reminder
Lord willing, we are leaving after our midweek services tonight to drive to Paducah for a holiday. We’ll enjoy Christmas with my parents, grandmother, sister and her family, and my family. I’m grateful that we are a close family.
I’m also so thankful that we are able to be together on holidays (and other times, too). There are thousands of children who will not get to see a mom or dad on Christmas this year.
While it was to be expected, I was somewhat upset that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were basically turned into nothing more than a political ploy (by both parties) this past year. In all the rhetoric, it was easy to lose sight of the men and women who are serving thousands of miles from home, and who will miss their families on Christmas.
Okay, now it’s Kleenex time. If you have never heard the song “Bring Him Home, Santa,” get ready. It is one of the finest reminders of the loneliness many children will feel this year I’ve ever heard.
Enjoy the video (length: 3:54)
As time permits, I’ll try to post something fun for Christmas later in the week, but I felt as if this reminder was needed by many, because I needed it as well.