Church Life

A Simple Challenge: Greet Someone New This Sunday

It really does not matter how large or small the congregation is where you worship, there is someone who will be in worship this Sunday that either you have never met or you have not talked with in a long while.

I’m challenging all of us–including myself–greet that person this week!

Maybe it means you talk with someone who isn’t in your age group. It could be mean an older Christian walking up to a member who comes in on a cane, or an older Christian speaking to that young couple who is still struggling to get going in life.

Maybe it means you talk with someone who is just, well, new. They might be the same age, but you have your own friends. This person, though, could sure use a friend at church, too. Why not make them feel a little more welcome.

Maybe it means you talk with someone who, for some reason, intimidates you. I don’t mean that in a negative way, but sometimes we are intimidated by someone who seems to know more about the Bible than we do, or who has nicer things than we have, or any number of things. Still, you may just find that person to be the kindest individual you’ve met in a long time!

Maybe it means you talk with someone who never seems to talk to anyone. Almost every congregation has that one person who just seems to want to be alone. Honestly, though, very (very, very, very) few people actually desire to be alone all the time.

Maybe it means you step out of your comfort zone. A lot of people just do not like to take the first step in greeting someone new. I understand…trust me! It isn’t my natural comfort zone, either. But I have found that it is worth it, literally every single time.

So, whether you worship with 10 people or 2000 people, you will have an opportunity this Sunday. There will be someone new, or there will be someone you just have not spoken with in some time. Let’s all make this the Sunday that we greet someone new. Won’t that make for an even more fascinating and uplifting Lord’s Day?

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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