Church Life

A Soul-Winning Strategy from an Election-Winning Politician

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He surprised the pundits. He surprised his opponents. He surprised the pollsters.

He won an election he was supposed to do well in, but not win. He won by a fairly substantial margin. That was not predicted. It was not supposed to happen.

What was his secret? What new tool and/or strategy did he have that the others did not have?

Yes, he had raised a lot of money, but so had his opponents. Yes, he had a well-organized team in place, but so did his opponents. What about modern technology? He had all of that in place, but so did his opponents. 

The citizens of the state got to “know” him as they saw him on television, watched and listened to interviews with him, read his ads in newspapers, flyers, on social media, and in a number of mailings which were done. All of these things were done by his opponents, but he was the one who garnered the most votes.


There are probably as many answers to that question as there are people who are giving opinions. You and I both know that there are people who are paid substantial amounts of money to answer that question.

Here’s one answer to that question from somebody who is definitely not an expert in this area and who is being paid nothing to express my opinion. As the old saying goes, “you can take it for what it is worth.” It may be worth very little–or nothing.

As I listened to the reports of the election, I heard something I thought was fascinating. In fact, I heard about it more than once.

The winning candidate was the only one of the candidates who visited all ninety-nine counties in that state. I saw pictures and videos of him that appeared to show him engaging in true one-on-one conversations with individuals. These appeared to not be merely “photo ops,” but real two-way conversations. 

It seems to me that there is real lesson here for those of us who are interested in winning something more important that political elections. It seems to me that soul-winners could take a page from this candidate’s play book. 

We are living in a time when we can reach untold numbers of people in almost unheard of places in a few seconds with almost any message we want to communicate. Thankfully, there are those who are using every modern means imaginable to spread the gospel around the world.

At the same time, let us never minimize the importance and effectiveness of personal, one-on-one contact and teaching. There is a man who could possibly be sitting in the Oval Office before long who understood the need to personally interact with individuals.

More importantly, there may be people in heaven if we learn that same lesson.


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