
Acts 8: A Model Meeting (Bulletin Article for February 18)

[NOTE: The following article was written because our Winter Gospel Meeting begins on Sunday. Please know that you are invited! Brother John Pigg will be presenting the lessons and we are looking forward to a great week. The services will be at 9:30 and 10:30 Sunday morning, then at 7:30 PM Sunday night-Wednesday night.]

We are looking forward to a great Gospel Meeting this week. Seemingly every part of the year is busy, but our elders continue to set aside these very important weeks for times of special study. Have you made plans to be in attendance? I hope so.

But what constitutes a “good” Gospel Meeting? We don’t find that phrase anywhere in the Bible. But we do find something similar in Acts 8. By way of introduction, remember Acts 8:1b: “And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria.” Also note verse 4: “Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word.”

One of those who preached was Phillip, a faithful servant (cf. Acts 6:1-7). He went to the region of Samaria and preached to large crowds. Many have called this a Gospel meeting, of sorts. And it was successful. Why?

  1. His message was Christ (verse 5). While we do not know his “sermon outlines,” we do know the basis of his lessons was Jesus. When we come together for a Gospel meeting, we may hear lessons about many subjects, but ALL of them will have our Savior as their focus.
  2. The crowds were curious (verse 6). We are told, “And the crowds with one accord paid attention to what was being said by Philip when they heard him” (emphasis added). When I come to a meeting, am I just doing so because I think that’s what I’m supposed to do, or do I come to truly pay attention? Is my curiosity built to learn more of God’s word, even this week?
  3. People were converted. We know the story of the conversion of Simon the sorcerer, found in verses 9-24. What we sometimes forget is that it is connected to the meeting in Samaria. While we can’t perform miracles as did Phillip, we can still proclaim the same message, and people will want to know Jesus and come to Him!
  4. The city was changed (verse 8). We are told, “So there was much joy in that city.” People need true joy in their lives. Only messages about Jesus and accepting those messages bring about such joy. When we have that joy, our communities will never be the same!

We’re prepared for a great Gospel Meeting. If Christ is taught and people are ready to hear, we will have a great week. If even one is converted and if joy is brought into a life, what a wonderful time it will be!

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