
Amazing Stuff

Archaeolgists uncovered a human skull and some other bones yesterday in Ethiopia. Nothing new about that. What was truly amazing, though, was that, after less than one day of studying these bones, they were able to announce to the world that they had found the oldest human remains ever! These bones are said to be over 3.3million years in age, older than the famous Lucy remains.

Question: How did these scientists figure that out in one day?

To read a release from Aftrica about this discovery, click here.

By the way, I find it interesting that they think this little girl died “in a flood.” Is it not feasible that this is why the bones look “so old”? Floods (especially large [global?] ones) are devestating to all they touch.

In the meantime, we’ll keep “know[ing] the truth” which makes us free! We’ll keep teaching the truth about the origin of all life–God, the great Giver. And we’ll let scientists keep jumping to conclusions only to look silly later.


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