
An Humble Contribution

Those who can write well amaze me. I am blessed to be surrounded by people who can write things that are helpful, and can write in such a way that even I can understand.

  • I am blessed to have a dad, Jim Faughn, who can make anything in the Bible practical to modern-day living through bulletin articles.
  • My brother-in-law, Jeremiah Tatum, can say more in less space than anyone I know.
  • Andy Kizer, the preacher here at 9th Avenue, can write about very difficult things so that anyone can understand them, and do so with a great level of scholarship.
  • Drew Kizer’s blog continues to be a faith-building read for me on a regular basis.
  • And others, some whom I have met and some whom I have never met or will ever meet, continue to influence me with things they write.

It is with great humility, then, that I am happy to share my first book. Building a Hero is a book that walks young people through the Old Testament book of Nehemiah. It is a 13-chapter book, suitable for Bible class material. The lessons are not long, but, hopefully, they contain things that young people need to know.

The book started when Leah and I were trying to adopt Mary Carol. I needed something to keep my mind occupied. By the time she was born, the book was about half-written. It has taken me about a year to finish the book, proof it, and get it printed.

While it is not perfect (nothing but the Bible is), we hope it will introduce young people to a great hero and a great story.

If you are interested in ordering this book, click here. The cost is $10 plus shipping. I would suggest that you go with USPS Media Mail. When you order, you should receive your book in about a week.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.