Church Leadership,  Church Life,  Family,  Parenting

And Their Voices Prevailed

If you have a copy of God’s Word handy, you may want to read the twenty-third chapter of Luke before you read the rest of this post. In that chapter, we can read Luke’s inspired account of some of the events concerning the arrest, interrogation, condemnation, and crucifixion of Jesus. Other details are in the other gospels, but we will focus our comments to those recorded by Luke – along with a few details gleaned from the other gospel accounts.

I find the words that are used as the title of this post to be extremely interesting and informative. They play a major role in the narrative that follows. A summary and paraphrase of what took place on that fateful day would be that influential people with an evil agenda whipped the assembled crowd into a frenzy —

and their voices prevailed (Luke 23:23).

Does any of this sound vaguely familiar? Is there any connection between the events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus and some of what is going on today in societies, communities, churches, educational systems, families, etc.?

You probably have already guessed by now that I strongly believe that there is a very definite connection with the dynamics that led to the death of the only One who ever lived a perfect life and some of the things tearing away at the very fabric of what we hold dear. 

Maybe I need to rephrase that last sentence. It might be the case that I should have typed “what we say we hold dear or used to hold dear.”

There are people in every segment of our society with agendas that can only properly be labeled as diabolical. In one way or another, and to one degree or another, their intentions are to destroy such old-fashioned things as faith in God, the family, morality, decency, fairness, respect, etc.

Some of these individuals or groups have titles, degrees, positions, and/or popularity. All (or some) of that makes them “important” to many people. They have the ability to “whip up popular support” and marginalize those who may disagree with them. I suppose that the modern-day “influencers” (whoever and whatever they are) could be included in this group. It seems to me that these “influencers,” as well as some others, are primarily famous merely for being famous.

I am not suggesting that all of the blame for what seems to be the downward spiral we are witnessing is to be placed on the people with agendas or on those who have been influenced by them. I’m afraid that there are too many leaders like Pilate and Herod who are leaders in name only. 

I’m afraid that I see some of these “leaders in name only” when I see parents (especially fathers) give in to what their children want to do, wear, listen to, watch, and/or “hang out” with. I’m afraid that I see some of them when I see elders and preachers who are more concerned about being “relevant” and pleasing the people than they are about being scriptural and pleasing God. And, yes, I think I see some of them when I observe policies involving our nation and communities being determined almost, if not altogether, by the latest public opinion polls.  

I am very thankful for people who value true leadership over popularity. We need many more of them in homes, schools, the church, government – in short, in all segments of our society. 

It is my prayer that there will be a significant increase in the number of people who have a backbone and a correspondingly significant decrease in the number with a finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing.

May the tribe of the people with a backbone increase and may their voices prevail!

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


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