One Announcement and Another Coming Tomorrow
Today, I need to let you know about a couple of things that I hope you’ll get behind.
First, Lebanon Road is hosting a blood drive on December 21. This blood drive is being called “Help Blake Give Back,” as it is a way for the Rader family to give back to all those who have helped their son, Blake, through his year of cancer treatments. This is the 2nd such drive we will have hosted, but we want people from our community to be involved.
For a little more information, including how to make an appointment, click the picture below.
Second, you may have seen at the bottom of our posts this week that we have a huge announcement coming tomorrow. I honestly cannot tell you how excited I am. Our goal is to get tomorrow’s announcement up on the blog around 8:30AM Central, so we hope you will be here tomorrow.
See you then!
Photo credit: Thanks to Shane Williams for making the Blake Rader “banner” for our church website and Facebook page. Great job as always, Shane!!!
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One Comment
Appointment times remaining for the Blood Drive are 1:45 – 3:45 and 5:45 – 7:00. Jump in there and help the Rader’s achieve their goal!