Are We Distracted?

Social unrest.
A Presidential election.
And on and on and on it goes. Just thinking about all the “big” news stories of the last few weeks is amazing. We are living in times where many people are wondering if we can actually handle any more “big” news. (I hope we have seen enough to realize that “breaking news” needs to be more than just some celebrity marriage proposal!)
Christians are in this world, and, as such, we have feelings and opinions on all these types of matters. We are thinking about how to handle an ongoing pandemic, and we are talking about it. We have thoughts on Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter; on riots and protests; and on all sorts of other related issues of social justice. We certainly have our thoughts on the election–and how everyone else should vote.
We share our thoughts about all those things, even though we know people will disagree with us. If I share that people should wear masks, someone will respond with an article showing they aren’t that effective. If I share that we shouldn’t worry with masks, someone will shout out that I don’t care about people’s health. If I talk about the Republicans, people will fight back. If I talk about the Democrats, people will fight back. If I say I’m not voting for either one, both will go ballistic.
And on and on it goes.
It’s fine to formulate thoughts and opinions on these matters, and it is okay to share them with others, so long as we do so in a civil way. Our goal is not to stir the pot or just get under people’s skin; it is to try to arrive at truth.
But here’s my question: with all the “big” news issues we are living through all at the same time, are we getting distracted from what we should be talking about the most? Is it possible that we are making sure to wade into every big, pressing issue with others, but never telling them about Jesus?
One of Satan’s biggest devices is not overt sin. It is distraction. If he can tempt us to move our eyes off of our main focus, then he’s won, because that’s one more person we are not talking to about what really and ultimately matters. They know how we feel about masks and social distancing. They know our stance on racial injustice. They certainly know who we are voting for (or, at least, against).
But we’ve never taken the time to point them to the only One Who can save their soul eternally.
Our feelings about these big news issues are important, and they are precious to us, because we really believe them and hold them dear.
But, well, let me allow the lyrics of a hymn to ask my final question:
“If the name of the Savior is precious to you,
If His care has been constant and tender and true;
If the light of His presence has brightened your way–
O will you not tell of your gladness today?”
(James H. Fillmore)
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn