Church Life,  Worship

Are You Even Listening?

Jim and I have been traveling lately and that has resulted in us visiting several congregations of the Lord’s church. We love to visit others and usually come away blessed by the worship and fellowship. However, I have been distressed lately about something I have noticed on more than one occasion, both at those congregations and at our home congregation – the lack of listening intentionally to obtain what is being said concerning God’s Word and focusing on offering your worship to God.

Oh, I’m way ahead of you. I have a feeling at this point in this post some of you are thinking, how does she know they’re not paying attention if she’s really paying attention. There is probably some truth in that thought, but I can assure you that it is never my intention to not be engaged in worship.

I’m not talking about the babies who can interrupt your focus. I bless those parents who bring those babies to worship and begin their training from the beginning of their lives. They never really bother me.

I’m basically talking about two things: whispered conversations that go on during the worship, and seeing people on their phones during worship. I know, I can’t know if they are using their Bible on their phone, or taking notes on their phone. However, there have been some occasions recently when I have seen with my own eyes adults playing games or texting on their phone during worship to God. 

We have all whispered something to the person beside us. That’s not what I’m talking about. Often it’s a comment about what you are hearing, or telling someone the passage you were asked to turn to. I’m talking about whispered conversations that go on for several minutes, or even for the entire worship time. These conversations disrupt worship for those sitting close to them, and send the message that these people are simply not interested in what is being said or done. When we assemble to worship it is not the time for conversations with one another.

That brings me to the second thing I noticed in our visits with other congregations – playing games on your phone during worship. I’ve noticed lots of parents give their small child their phone or iPad to keep them occupied during worship. That’s another post I may write one day because I don’t think it’s a good idea to begin something and then just arbitrarily pick an age that they must stop this behavior. 

I’m talking about teenagers and adults playing games on their phones during worship. I have seen the screens and they don’t contain Bible passages. I have been told by many people about this behavior. 

What does it say about your love for God?

What does it say about your respect for God and His Word?

What does it say about your concern for those sitting around you?

What does it say to the first-time visitor to your congregation who sees you?

These are all questions we need to answer if we aren’t focused on worship of the God who loved us enough to send His Son to die for our sins.

When we gather to sing praises to Him, study His Word, remember the sacrifice of His Son’s body and blood, talk to Him in prayer, and give of our means, how can you focus upon anything else besides Him and His wonderful gifts.

Are you listening???

“…the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship 

the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people

to worship Him.

God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

(John 4:23-24)

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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