
Are You Listening, Young People?

Brother Wayne Jackson has an excellent article on ChristianCourier.com right now on giving. It utilizes First Corinthians 16:1-2 and studies each part of it.

Working with young people, one of the hardest things to get them to understand is that, if they are a Christian and money–in any form–comes their way, they are to give some to the Lord. Young people don’t want to give from their allowance or Christmas or birthday money.

Brother Jackson writes,

For each family income there must be a gift. If the husband/father is the sole wage earner, he obviously will be the only source for a gift. If the mother/wife has a separate income, she must contribute from that as well. When Christian teens have a job, they must give from their income. If they receive an allowance, a portion of that belongs to the Lord. If older folks are on social security, they are not exempt from this act of worship. “Each one” means “every one” who has income—rich or poor, young or old, male or female.

I appreciate his inclusion of young people in this discussion. Young people, don’t forget God when money comes your way!

To read the entire article, click here.


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