As Long As There is Air In Your Lungs

Just a few days ago, the stuff of science fiction actually happened right here in America. In Detroit, paramedics came to the aid of a 20-year-old woman who was unresponsive at her home. They performed life-saving techniques for about half an hour, but there was no response. After their efforts, the woman was pronounced dead, the family was informed, and a funeral home came to get her body to prepare for a service.
Only, when morticians got ready to start their work, they realized the woman was breathing. She was still alive!
As you can imagine, they were surprised, but they also did what you would expect: they immediately called a local hospital and had an ambulance come to care for the woman.
It’s almost unimaginable that could happen, especially with how advanced our knowledge of the human body is. But here is what struck me: the workers cared for this woman, even when there was barely any breath in her lungs.
Why? Because even that tiny sign of life is a sign of hope.
When I found that story and let it roll around in my mind for a few minutes (and after I got over how weird it must have been), it just made me think about hope. In a lot of ways, hope is the breath in our lungs. What I mean is that, there are seasons in our life where hope is what gets us through and causes us to be able to put one foot in front of the other.
But I also want to think about this from another angle. Spiritually speaking, so long as there is breath in our lungs, we are not hopeless. I just wonder how many people are walking around our towns and neighborhoods who think they have done too much bad stuff or been away from God for so long that they are a hopeless case. I just wonder how many people honestly believe they are too far removed from the Lord to find forgiveness.
I imagine the answer to that is a higher number than any of us can really consider.
But the beauty of the Gospel is that, so long as we have breath in our lungs, we are not a hopeless case. So long as we are here in this life, there is the hope of seeking and receiving God’s forgiveness. So long as we are breathing, there is the chance to return to Him.
Until our actual final breath is taken, God will forgive.
Did you need to hear that today? Can we help you find His forgiveness?
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn