
Ask the Readers: Podcasts

Now that I have a cool phone, I am beginning to compile a list of podcasts to which I listen. I listen in the car (which is quite a bit with visits to make and a 12-15 minute drive to my study), and some at night while I’m getting ready for bed. I even listened yesterday while mowing the yard.

Trying to find good podcasts is a fun search. Right now, I basically have two categories: (1) podcasts of sermons by authors I enjoy (e.g., Charles Swindoll), and (2) short podcasts on certain topics I need to brush up on (e.g., The Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips). I also subscribe to Freed-Hardeman’s daily chapel service.

Now I need your help. Two questions today.

1. What other podcasts do you listen to on your iPod, iPhone or mp3 player?
2. Do you know of podcasts that can be downloaded to one of these that is by a member (or members) of the church of Christ?

Please leave comments so I can build up my subscriptions. One more thing…I’m really cheap, so the podcasts much be free.

Thanks for your help!



  • Dale's Spot

    I listen to about 30-40 – esp enjoy Andy Stanley’s, Leo Laparte, BUZZ out Loud, some of the Fresh Air stuff is informative, Albert Mohler, Geek Brief and George Stephanopolospsdfhsdvkasdkjdfd (I’m sure that’s misspelled :)). My Podcasts will be available free via iTunes within a week. I’m sure it’d be good to listen to before you go to sleep 🙂


    I podcast John Dobbs, Brian Nicholas and Patrick Mead. Excellent podcasts.

    Have a great weekend.
