Church Life,  Family

No More “Automatic” Mondays


Probably 75% of the time our family is in the car together, we play CDs of worship songs. I’m really proud of our kids for singing along and learning songs, both old and new, that praise God and teach Christian doctrine.

But we do listen to the radio at times, as both of our kids really like music (and they have a dad who does as well). We have found a station in Nashville that plays mostly tame music–we still have to turn away or off at times–and the kids know a few of the songs. Personally, I’m glad they know more worship songs!

Recently, Turner was singing an 80’s favorite around the house, but I noticed he wasn’t getting the lyrics exactly right. (He has a dad with the same problem!) The Bangles sang the famous tune “Manic Monday,” in which the lead line simply says, “It’s just another manic Monday.”

Turner, however, was singing, “It’s just an automatic Monday.” I couldn’t help but laugh, but it makes sense. Let’s be honest, how often do you use the word “manic?”

But as I was thinking recently about his mis-lyric, it hit me that he may have been singing something that too many people feel. A lot of folks just have “automatic” Mondays?

Nearly every week, when I jump on Facebook or Twitter on Monday, my feed is flooded with messages about how “I hate Monday,” or “I wish it were the weekend again.” There are so many complaints about how hard it’s going to be to “get going again,” for no other reason than that it’s Monday.

Today, I’m issuing a challenge. In honor of Turner’s mis-lyric, I’m issuing the No More Automatic Mondays Challenge.

Take a few moments today to get excited about facing the new week. Find someone who needs some encouragement and lift them up. Be grateful for your job and for the income it provides. Stop looking forward to the end of the workweek, and get something done today that even you are amazed you could do on a Monday.

There are days that are harder than others, no doubt. But complaining about a day, just because it is Monday, will not help us be the shining light we should be for the Lord. Even on Monday, He made the day, so let’s honor Him with all we do.

Who is with me? Who is ready to take the No More Automatic Mondays Challenge?


Photo credit: Sean MacEntee on Creative Commons

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