
Back…With Great News

What a great week at Maywood! The campers–especially our older campers–were great. It wasn’t too hot, and everyone seemed to just “roll with the punches.”

The best news of all is that 17 precious souls were baptized into Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. One of those, Melody Brinson, has been visiting with us at 9th Avenue for quite some time. We were so pleased that she decided to become a New Testament Christian. In addition, 3 souls made public confessions. Two of those, Ariana Hatton and Krista Terry, are members at 9th Avenue. And only the Lord knows how many more made private prayers asking for strength or forgiveness.

It was also good to return to find out that our article on christian camp was featured in a carnival. To see all the featured articles, click here.

We look forward to getting back into the swing of things next week, but it’s always exciting to share good news!


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