Bible study,  Church Life,  Parenting

Bible School Excuses

A few weeks ago at Central, I preached a sermon on parenting. In part of the sermon, I mentioned that parents miss out on a powerful blessing when they do not “take the help” that Bible school provides. After all, parents who are striving to instill God’s Word into the hearts of their children should be utterly grateful for those kind and good teachers who provide instruction to their children.

After mentioning that, I gave some excuses that I have heard over the years as to why parents do not bring their kids to class. I mentioned four in the sermon, but I want to list five commonly-heard ones here.

“It’s Too Early.” Really? Just tell that to your kids’ school on Monday when they roll in at 10:30. Typically, this excuse is simply code for “we filled our Saturday with so much activity that we wanted to sleep in.”

“My Kid is Shy/Doesn’t Know Anyone.” Now, the “shy” part I get, but we still have our kids go to school or stay on the ball team or in the play group over time, don’t we? And what happens? It may take a little while, but they–at the very least–get comfortable around those other kids. And, possibly, they make a really good friend. Yes, it takes time, but this excuse just doesn’t hold water.

“I’m Afraid My Child Will be Embarrassed because He Doesn’t Know Much.” No offense, but, that’s why it’s called Bible school! They didn’t know math when they started school, either, but they’ve learned. And who is more patient with learning than a kind and gracious Bible class teacher? They are eager to help your child know more about the wonders of God’s Word!

“They Had a Bad Experience in the Past.” Of all the excuses, this is the one that has the most weight, and it is sad that that does happen at times. But we cannot let a bad experience keep us from having our children grow. I’m certain not every day in English class or art class has been perfect, either, but we have them go. They probably didn’t like their baseball coach or their choir director every single day of their lives, but they keep going because we think it is important.

“It’s Boring.” This. Drives. Me. Crazy. I’ve sat through some boring Bible classes. (Okay, okay…I’ve taught some boring Bible classes!) But to let the kid decide what is boring and what is not and make that the determining factor? Lovingly but bluntly, that’s a terrible way to parent.

Here’s the thing: when it comes down to it, all the excuses that parents give typically boil down to two things, and it has little-to-nothing to do with those actual excuses. Either (1) the parents just don’t want to deal with a kid who is whiney about going to Bible class, or (2) the parents don’t really want to go either so they use their kid as an excuse.

But, parents, please…take the help! Over the years, you will be so grateful you did because you will see your child learn things from Scripture that you know they picked up in Bible class. You will hear them say things that were clearly taught by a loving teacher.

Oh, and while you’re at it…go to your class, too. You might just be amazed at what you learn!

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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