
Book Review: "Fortify Our Families"

The 2001 Cold Harbor Road Lectures were dedicated to a study of the family. Now, six years later, there is still no theme that needs to be studied any more than does the family.

From pulpits, publications, classrooms, chatrooms and living rooms, the home needs to be studied more and more. We have families, both inside and outside the body of Christ, that are falling apart. Some are growing colder, while others grow more violent. Many children are left to fend for themselves. Husbands and wives don’t care about each other anymore. “Tragic” doesn’t cover it!

If you are planning on preaching a series on the home or are planning on teaching a class on the home, this book will give you some great “starter” ideas. Several lectures deal with specific passages of Scripture, while others deal with topics (discipline, raising teens, etc.). While the volume is not comprehensive, it does cover many important areas.

Even if you are not planning on preaching or teaching on the home soon, this book will still be a welcome study. As a husband, father and (almost) father again, it was good for me to read this book. We can all use a little reminder every now and again of just how important our role in the home is; whether husband, father, wife, mother or child.

The book costs just $5, but there is a very limited supply left. To order, email the Cold Harbor Road church at CHRCOC@AOL.COM.

A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.