
Book Review: “How God Makes Men”

I am constantly on the lookout for good material for guys. Part of it is that I want to make my mentoring program as good and practical as possible. Frankly, though, the major reason is that I want to improve as a real man of God.

Patrick Morley’s book How God Makes Men walks the reader through 10 well-known lives from Scripture and shows how these men were not perfect, but God used them in powerful ways. From Abraham to David, from Solomon to Paul, from Gideon to Job, the lives are ones you might expect, but the lessons drawn are still powerful.

One negative I found in this book is something you may find to be a positive. When I saw who each chapter was about, I found that the chapter was fairly predictable. However, you may read the book and find this to be a welcome reinforcement of the chapter’s emphasis. Personally, I found it to take away from the depth of reading.

The book is easy to read and does provide some challenging reminders. Some of the personal stories from Morley’s own life, or of other men he has known, help cement each chapter’s emphasis into the reader’s mind. Discussion questions follow each of the chapters, so the book could be used in a small group setting. Preachers will find some of the chapters easy to outline, but will have to do a lot of work to add depth for rich sermons.

Overall, this is a good book, and one I’m glad I read, but I doubt I will be using it for a “formal” purpose.


Disclaimer: I received a free copy of How God Makes Men from Blogging for Books in exchange for reading the book and providing an honest review.


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