
Book Review: "How We Got the Bible" by Neil Lightftoot

What a great book! I know most of you probably have this book in your library already, but this was my first time working my way through it. To say it was “faith-building” would be a great understatement.

Our Senior High class asked me to teach a series in the Summer quarter on the Bible: how we got it, is it reliable, do we have the right 66 books, etc. After reading Lightfoot’s work, I know I am far more prepared to teach this material.

In survey format, How We Got the Bible walks readers through the basic process of getting God’s Word from the writers many centuries ago to us now. There are questions at the conclusion of each of the 18 chapters to help your personal study or your Bible class.

While there are some sections that get fairly deep in details, the book is still very readable. In fact, once you start reading and you see how exciting the story really is, it’s hard to stop! God’s providence is really the “star” of the book, for He has protected His Word for us.

If you wish to purchase this book, it has been added to the “May We Recommend” section on the right hand side of the page. Please click on the ad and purchase it from Amazon. You’ll be glad you did.
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