
Book Review: "Seeking a Life That Counts"

G. Scott Gleaves has written a unique book in many ways. Seeking a Life That Counts: Finding True Happiness is a Bible class study book that covers the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes.

If you are like most people, and you look at your bookshelves, you will not find many volumes that deal exclusively with Ecclesiastes. We often hear “fear God and keep His commandments…” from that Old Testament book, but, sadly, that is often about all.

There is far more material in Solomon’s sermon, and brother Gleaves brings us 13 lessons that are filled with information. If you teach a Bible class, you will find yourself having a great amount of trouble getting through all the information in just 13 Sundays.

If you preach, this book contains much good preaching material, including several good lists that would make excellent points to a sermon.

The book’s 128 pages help the reader see that Ecclesiastes is not always negative, as it is sometimes portrayed to be. Solomon’s sermon does contain many negative thoughts (“vanity of vanities…”), but many of those are meant to help his listener then see the positive side of life. In this way, Ecclesiastes is a well-crafted paradox that proves a divine point: “Fear God!”

Available from Yahoo! shopping for $8.99, this book will be a welcome addition to your library. The book is also available from Gospel Advocate (the publisher), but is not yet listed on the website.

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