
Book Review: "Seeking True Unity"

Seeking True Unity was written by several faithful Gospel preachers in response to the “unity movement” between some members of the churches of Christ and the Christian church. The book responds by reminding all readers that we cannot have true, Biblical unity while still holding differences. It also gives the reader a brief, but insightful, history of how we have come to this point.

Sadly, many today feel as though such issues as instrumental music are just “non-issues.” Some say that we used to “fight” over these issues and that was wrong, because they just aren’t that important.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

What we all need to understand is that the tension is not about one specific issue. We are dealing with the idea of how to view Scripture; specifically the silence of Scripture. Mike Baker, Mike Green, Wayne Hatcher, Steve Higginbotham, Jeff A. Jenkins, Dale Jenkins and Phil Sanders all remind us of the struggle to prove that the silence of the Scriptures is prohibitive. When God tells us what He desires (e.g., singing), that leaves out all other options (e.g., mechanical instruments of music).

The book is short (64 pages), but helpful. It would make a very good “mini-study” in a Bible class, or the material could easily form the basis for a teacher to use for an entire quarter of study.

Please visit the website, www.seektrueunity.org, for more information. While there, make sure you order a copy of the book. The cost of this short book is just $4 (plus shipping). Elders might even want to consider ordering a copy for every family in a congregation.

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