Book Review: "Seven Things a Loving God Hates"
Allen Webster, who is quite widely known as the editor of House to House/Heart to Heart has brought together a great study. One series of tracts published by HTH is on the subject of the seven things God hates, listed in Proverbs 6.
Now, much of the material from those tracts has been placed into book form. Make no mistake, though; even though based upon tracts, there is “meat” in this book.
Written in 13 chapters, Webster makes very modern-day, practical applications of each of the “seven.” In fact, when it comes to “hands that shed innocent blood,” three chapters are filled with information. As you might expect, two of those chapters deal with abortion–the modern-day shedding of innocent blood that is far to common in our society.
If you are a preacher, you will find the material highly “preachable.” Each chapter is filled with illustrations (both humorous and serious), statistics, and quotes. More than that, many chapters are covered with Scripture, both written out and referenced. To say that brother Webster “did his homework” would be a great understatement.
This book, due to having 13 chapters, would make an excellent Bible class book. As mentioned, it is practically-written, and books with that in mind make great discussion starters.
To purchase a copy for just $7.95, click here.