
Book Review: "Voices of Calvary" by David R. Pharr

Publishing Designs of Huntsville, Alabama, produces some very good material. Their books are well-written and also (as the name would imply) well-designed.

Voices of Calvary is a great book for personal study or for an adult Bible class. Many have heard lessons on the seven sayings of Jesus on the cross. This book, though, adds to that list. Along with those famous words, Pharr leads the student through a study of what others had to say during those all-important hours.

The 13 chapters in the book each end with a series of questions, making the book helpful for classroom use. The 13 chapters are:

  • The Word of Judgment: “Weep for Yourselves”
  • The Word over His Head: “King of the Jews”
  • The Word from Below: “He Saved Others”
  • The Word of Grace: “Father, Forgive Them”
  • The Word of Supplication: “Lord, Remember Me”
  • The Word of Hope: “Today Shalt Thou Be with Me”
  • The Word of Affection: “Behold Thy Mother”
  • The Word of Ultimate Sadness: “Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?”
  • The Word from His Flesh: “I Thirst”
  • The Word of Triumph: “It is Finished”
  • The Word of Departure: “Into Thy Hands”
  • The Word from the Gentiles: “Truly This Was the Son of God”
  • The Word from Above: “This Is My Beloved Son”

You might notice that the 13th chapter is a phrase that is not actually found in the “passion” story. Pharr makes an interesting study, though, of all the prophecies that are fulfilled on the cross. These show that Jesus was the Messiah, and the Son of God.

The book is 159 pages in length and costs $8.95 if ordered directly from Publishing Designs. It is a wonderful study from which you will benefit. To order, click here.

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