
Books for Premarital Counseling

I am conducting a premarital counseling session soon, and I’m really trying to help this couple as best I can. One “extra” I want to give them is a list of books that will help them before they marry and in their first year of marriage.

Yesterday, I put out a question on Twitter, asking my friends for recommendations. Some replied on there, while others sent emails. The list is amazing! I had several books already listed, but I liked some suggestions they gave as well. Obviously, I’m not going to list 100 books for this new couple to try to buy, but I hope to give them about 20.

First, let me share with you the list I had before sending out the request:

  • The Bible (of course!). I am suggesting that they focus on Ephesians 5 and 6, Proverbs, and Song of Solomon in their new marriage.
  • You’re Singing My Song (Glenn and Cindy Colley)
  • Marriage and the Christian Home (Ted Burleson)
  • Boundaries (Dr. Henry Cloud)
  • Point Man (Steve Farrar)
  • Always (edited by Betsy Holt and Mike Yorkey)
  • The Total Money Makeover (Dave Ramsey)
  • What Every Family Needs (Carl Brecheen and Paul Faulkner)

Now, let me share with you other books recommended by Twitter friends.

TimothyArcher listed four books: Before You Say I Do; His Needs, Her Needs; Letters to Karen; Friendship Factor

ScottMcCown sent the names of two: Magnificent Marriage and Intended for Pleasure

OutofthePews named two: Just Walk across the Room and (his own book) A Call to Arms!

HealingSoul gave two as well: The Act of Marriage and Respect and Honor

Briannicklaus named Sacred Marriage

Tiffanyfaith listed His Needs, Her Needs

JoshKetchum named two: His Needs, Her Needs and Love and Respect

[Note: I listed the names as they are on Twitter so you can search for these great folks and add them as people to follow.]

Finally, I received an email from Ted Burleson, who named three books to add: His Needs, Her Needs; Sheet Music; and Communication, the Key to Your Marriage

What would you add to the list?



  • Anonymous

    Saving your Marriage before it Starts by Parrot and Parrot is a good resource. I have taught the class several times. It always gets good feedback. It is pretty much just basic stuff that can help anyone.

  • Liz

    There are some GREAT titles on this list! I’d like to add: “The Missing Link: Revealing Spiritual Genetics,” by Drs. Arno. It’s a very useful book on relationships, including the one with God. It teaches how His plan for each of us works, how each can be happy and fulfilled — and through that, help maintain relationships with others. The authors identify a fifth temperatment, plus provide much scriptural evidence and insight into human behavior. (And these insights can change your life!)