
Brackets, Boots, Belles and Boys

I would have posted this sooner, but I came back from Lads to Leaders and immediately fell ill. Thankfully, it was just a quick bug.

What an amazing weekend! Our young people did a great job. More about that in a minute.


Yes, mine have fallen apart, but so have everyone else’s. ESPN says that, on their “bracket challenge” only two have the Sweet 16 correct. The real tragedy is that Duke lost! Oh well. Anyone else for Davidson and Western Kentucky in the Final Four? Go, Hilltoppers!


There was an interesting activity going on this weekend at the same time as Lads to Leaders. The Opryland Hotel was also hosting tryouts for Nashville Star, which is a country version of American Idol. We saw around 500-600 of the contestants walking through the hotel. (In fact, I had three of them come up to me and ask for directions! I guess that’s what I get for wearing a coat and tie.)

What was sad, though, was the lack of modesty on these hopefuls. I don’t doubt they had talent, but it was obvious that some thought that they had to stand out from the crowd in other ways. For many years, people said that country music was wholesome folks singing about real life. While that is questionable anyway, these people really made me think. I hope the ones wearing next to nothing didn’t win. Maybe it will teach them to spend more time with a vocal coach, and less time with with a sewing machine (or scissors!).

It made me sad that our young people, who were there for a spiritually uplifting weekend, had to face the temptation of half-dressed girls and guys with skin tight jeans. What a shame!

Boys and Belles

Now for the good part. Each year I attend Lads to Leaders I am more amazed. In a world where young people aren’t really given much of a chance, our young people excel. The song leaders I heard (4th and 1oth grades), the speakers I listened to (12th grade) and the debaters I listened to were all exceptional in every way. The artwork I was able to see, from the youngest grades through college, was tremendous. Everything that was done was done well.

The theme of Lads to Leaders this year was “Let No Man Despise Thy Youth.” Friends, if these young people are representative of the future, then the church is in good hands. What an uplifting few days!
