My Buddy Turns Five Today
Five years ago, we were in shock. We had adopted Mary Carol, thinking (and quite certainly so) that we would never have children naturally. However, five years ago today, our son, Turner Eric, was born. Each time I think about how we ended up with Mary Carol AND Turner, I am amazed at God’s power.
Turner is my buddy, and it is an honor to be his daddy. Though he is young, his personality is larger than life. While he has been our “tough” kid, we are beginning to see some great maturity in this little boy, and for that we are grateful.

For his birthday, here are five reasons why I love my buddy.
1. He will be a great leader one day. Turner is stubborn and gets in trouble often, but it is never for a lack of effort. I believe that he will mature into a great leader who will stand his ground in the face of evil, and will do amazing things for God and for other people.
2. He loves to laugh. Turner is our silly boy, but he likes to laugh and he likes to see other people laugh. That is a gift, and I pray that he will always use that sense of humor to help others.
3. He is sweet … or he can be. Sometimes, this is hidden, but when Turner’s heart goes out to someone, you would have a hard time finding anyone sweeter than Turner. He knows when someone is hurting, and he tries to say something to help. Many little boys never want to be outward in showing these types of things. I’m so thankful he is.
4. He loves Bible class. Worship…well, we’re still working on that one. But my little boy loves Bible classes. (Thanks to his teachers!) He listens well and does the activities as asked a vast majority of the time. I am so thankful that he loves to hear the stories from God’s Word.
5. He is beginning to be boy-ish. We are really see the rambunctious side of Turner come out in recent weeks and months. He has started pretending a lot more. We want this! We want him to be a MAN, and I am grateful that we are beginning to see him show that side of his personality. In a world that wants boys and girls to basically look, act, and be the same, I’m proud to have a son and I’m proud that he is beginning to show himself a man.
Happy birthday, Turner. I love you.

Auntie Am
Love my Turner-boy!!!
Heather W.
Happy birthday, Turner! He is such a blessing! 🙂
A PROUD grampy says HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a VERY special young man!!!
Happy Birthday Turner!!